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New stuff…..is rubbish

Have you bought a new car recently? Have you replaced your old vehicle with a shiny new version of the…

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My Mum

In a world that’s completely overcome with the loss of her Majesty the Queen, it can be easy to forget…

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Progress…or is it?

I’m actually a qualified Landscape Architect, my early years were spent working in local authority dealing with planning applications and…

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Progress…or is it?

I’m actually a qualified Landscape Architect, my early years were spent working in local authority dealing with planning applications and…

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It’s a Dogs Life…

I know I’ve prattled on about this before… but …dogs have life sussed. My dachshund just has it all completely…

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As I’ve got older, I’ve realised that I have set myself up to have a very complex, busy life. I’ve…

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I am beginning to think the world is about to come to a sticky end. The rich get richer… and…

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Driving home the other night, I rounded a corner and came upon a ‘twattle’ (Note, twattle is the collective word…

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I Like Aural

I watched the new Batman last night and was quite taken with his car – a souped-up Dodge Charger. There’s…

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Mind Your Own Business

I’ve been reading a lot online lately about entrepreneurs starting their own business and doing really well.  Everything is just…

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Mind Your Own Business

I’ve been reading a lot online lately about entrepreneurs starting their own business and doing really well.  Everything is just…

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My Head Hurts….

I’m sorry but the ‘world’ events are driving me nuts, or should I say ‘my mental health is suffering’. Can…

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