All Blog Articles - Page 4

My Car’s Rubbish

My car is so clever …it’s become rubbish at driving. If I try and reverse off my drive, it senses…

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APS Days

My darling wife has been on at me to be more healthy. She serves kale at every opportunity and tried…

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Couldn’t Believe My Eyes

I often walk down the canal towpath on my lunch hour – it’s a lovely bracing, nature-filled, green break in…

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Work, Live, Work

We’re all after that perfect ‘work life’ balance. That spot where you spend just enough time at work to make…

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What are we to do?

I wasn’t brought up to be a religious person. I did attend church every once in a while but generally…

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Insurance Backed Guarantees – Gaps in Provision

It’s frustrating that I end up speaking so often about insurance-backed guarantees (IBG), instead of being able to focus on…

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Components Shortage ….it’s all Bo***x

A few years ago I was in the market for a mid-range Audi for one of the team at work.…

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And so this is Christmas…

And so this is Christmas and what have we learnt? Well. I’ve been doing this for a long time…. and…

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Life….is a journey

Life….is not a straight line. There is no linear progress. Life is just everything, everywhere all at once. Profound stuff…

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Dog Versus Wife

Walking along with my other half a few days ago and we got onto a random conversation about who is…

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It’s about the people, not the company name

I recently had an all singing, all dancing alarm fitted at my house. CCTV, motion detectors, dead locks, pressure pads…

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Stop Start, Stop Start

Can I just make a point that some people seem to just not understand? When you run a business, you…

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Don’t Let That Suspicious Weed Grow

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