
National Disgrace

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 26th February 2020

Firstly, let me just say that I owe my life to the National Health Service.

When I awoke in the middle of the night, August 23rd 2018 with severe chest pains, the service provided was second-to-none – and I have lived to tell the tale.  I shall be forever grateful to everyone involved from ambulance crew to doctors to nurses – the whole team was amazing.

This weeks’ blog criticizes nobody other than government penny-pinchers who think that cutting a few costs will not be noticed by the general public.

I have though, unfortunately, had to have more dealings with the NHS….which have been less than impressive ….and simply about cost-cutting and lack of funds.

I awoke at the weekend with pain in my right eye. I should first explain that eye pain is a part of my life – I have a corneal transplant in my right eye caused by a genetic condition inherited from my father. I didn’t really react in a dramatic way as I’m used to the constant pain that comes from the condition that I have. The condition requires antibiotics which I would normally get from my doctor.

I rang for an appointment and was told by the receptionist that they …. “no longer do eyes”. I was then told that I should book an appointment with an optician.

I booked in with my optician who, on seeing the state of my eye, wrote me a letter requesting that I should be prescribed antibiotics – which I was told to take back to my doctor.

When at reception at my doctors I was told… “no that’s unacceptable, you need to see one of our listed opticians” …. (they had not told me this)

I then went to Boots Opticians in Glossop and was advised that I could not have more than one eye exam in a day without a doctor’s note – hence I should request one from my doctor.

I returned to the doctor who gave me a note for the optician and managed to get in to see the optometrist. The optometrist took one look and said… “you need a course of antibiotics which we cannot prescribe – you need to see your doctor”.

I returned to the doctor’s reception and was advised that there were no appointments that day I would have to ring the following morning.

I then rang my dentist and told him that my root canal had flared up and could I get some antibiotics.  They did me a note and fifteen minutes later I had my prescription.

Lesson learned – any ailment – forget the doctors – just go straight to the dentist.

Mike C

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Mike Clough

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