
Mixed Messages

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 24th June 2020

Sorry. Is it just me that’s confused?

How come we can now begin to ease ‘lock down’ and return to our normal routine ….when nothings actually changed.

How come we are going from being completely locked down, to now being able to go to restaurants and pubs….when nothings actually changed.

How come we are being told to go shopping when only a matter of weeks ago we were told that shopping was only for ‘essential items’ – when nothings actually changed.


There is no cure.

There is no immunisation programme.

No tracking system that works.

No clear indication of what the risk is in a variety of situations.


Yet we’re being told it’s ok now.

I read that there may be another peak infection rate at Christmas or the New Year but because we need to ‘get the economy moving again’ everything is ok at the moment to shop and work and go out and about.

Is this the key phrase in all this nonsense we’re being fed?

We need to ‘get the economy moving again’?

Did we really need to be locked down?

Did we really need to be cleaning our shopping when we came home from Tesco with our bag of goodies that we felt so guilty for buying?

Did we really need to leave that delivery from Amazon outside the door for 48 hours?

Gloves, face masks, hand sanitizers….were they really necessary?

I’ve also read, that 50% of people infected were deemed to have caught the infection in hospital.

Have we all been duped for whatever reason into believing that there was a chance of catching this virus from a gate whilst out walking in the countryside.

Maybe you could catch it from a petrol pump or a toilet seat.

I for one cannot believe that we do not have clearer evidence based facts on what the risks are and where the majority of people have caught this disease from.


What are we NOT being told…???

Is it all just about the economy.


Or …is it all just bollocks.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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