Knotweed News

Manchester United

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Tuesday 20th September 2016

Sat watching the football on a Saturday afternoon imagining myself as one of the two managers – running my business whilst organising things from the sidelines. But am I the quiet calm manager… or the screaming madman gesticulating wildly as the team ignores my demands??

It’s amazing seeing the different managerial styles – both successful yet completely different.

I would like to think I’m pretty calm – it’s a rare thing for me to lose my temper – and as I have been known to say…’It’s ages since I hit anybody…’

I am older and calmer than I was on the famous occasion that I decked one of the team, in fact I doubt that any of the current crop of staff have even seen me get angry – let alone lose my rag. Maybe I’ve even ‘grown up…? Maybe I’m realising that encouraging the team rather than berating them works better – the old carrot vs stick analogy…?

At the end of the day we are at work, far more than we are ‘at leisure’ and the best way to keep everyone happy is to try and create an atmosphere where everybody works together and supports each other.

I’ve learnt over the years that whilst maverick, loner types can have their uses – the people you want around you at work, are the cheerful, hardworking, team players.

We currently have a crop of very able ‘players’ on the JKSL ‘home” team; from the centre forward and attack team of Alex, Natalie, Stuart and Jonathan ably supported in midfield by Chris and Rob with the defence providing a solid support from Suzanne, Holly, Jamie and Ruth with our two goalkeepers Toni and Ann (ok that’s cheating …)

The ‘away’ players (site teams) are also well represented with Phil captaining the ‘boys’ – Ric, Pete hitting the headlines as the top scorers …

All in all a very capable teams, supported by an older, wiser manager.

So nothing like Manchester United then?


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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