
Lies Damn Lies

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 4th September 2024

As I find myself ageing and reflecting on life’s little foibles, I find myself questioning much of what happens in daily life.

I have written of my theories in the past and one of my recurring thoughts is that everything is about money.

Nearly every communication I have is with somebody trying to get me to spend, spend …spend.

It’s not about whether you actually ‘need’ something …it’s about what can they persuade you that you need.

The methods used are becoming more devious and need to be flagged to those that don’t see what’s happening.

Let me give you an example.

I had a call from the ‘service’ department stating that my car had a…. ‘Fault with the brakes and the tyres need replacing’.

Now you may be thinking – what great service from the garage.

However, dig a little deeper into this scenario.

My car had just had four new tyres six weeks previously and had been given a full service.

This set me thinking that they must have made an error and put the call out of my mind.

However, dear reader – I have more than one of these cars – I have three…well I say I have three, my daughters each have an one of the same manufacturer, registered in my name.


A few days after the call about my car, I received another call from the garage saying that my car had a …. ‘Fault with the brakes and the tyres needed replacing’.

A few days after this, I received another call from the garage saying that my other car …you’ve guessed it – ‘Had a fault with the brakes and the tyres needed replacing’.

What I’m asking you to draw from this little interaction is – what’s going to get you to have your car booked in for a service? What are the two things most likely to worry you with your car? ….Brakes and tyres.

You’re not going to ignore this are you?

Soooo…I’m guessing somebody in service is on a bonus for getting cars booked in for service…? It’s not a huge leap is it? Stick somebody on service calls and tell them you get £10 for every car booking that you make. Pretty soon that person is going to get fed up with rejection and think …how can I make them call me back?

Or dear reader, has somebody actually told them – ‘Tell them their car needs brakes and tyres…’

You tell me?

Once that car is in their hands they can pretty much charge you what they want …and most people will just go along with it.

What I’m asking you to do is just beware of sales calls that are just about touting for business.

Don’t believe everything they tell you and question their motives.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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