
Time Travel

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 1st July 2020

So, if we could all travel back in time to before the pandemic…. what would we do differently?

Maybe we’d buy more toilet rolls?

Maybe we’d stock up on tinned tomatoes and corned beef?

Would we maybe travel to China and say .. ‘Stop eating that bat …’

Maybe we’d try and stop some of the big sporting events that we now know have been ‘hot spots’ of infection – like the races at Cheltenham?

Maybe we’d travel back at bit further in time and try and stop the rot setting in with the NHS. Maybe we’d campaign for greater funding for health care and better wages for the nurses and staff within the hospital system?

Perhaps we would go back in time and say to Boris when he was watching the Three Nations rugby instead of attending the Cobra meeting where COVID was discussed – get off your fat ass Boris and listen to what’s about to happen?…

However, we know that time travel isn’t an option at present – and if it ever will be invented why hasn’t somebody already travelled back and sorted the entire world order out already……?

But …. with your invasive plant problems, we can actually do a bit of time correction ….

If you have a river frontage or piece of ground with invasive species that have taken over …we can restore this to its original condition. We pretty much know that ‘nature’ did not intend for invasive plants to take over these pieces of land and we know what plants would typically be growing on these areas.

So …why not remove the aliens…. and restore some order.

Let’s have burdock and field campion, let’s have wild garlic and mustard, let’s have hemp and bull thistle, let’s have lilac and elder, let’s have goose grey and cranes bill ….


Take control.


Become a time lord.


Talk to JKSL about time travel.


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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