
Ecological roulette

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 12th October 2016

How’s about we accept that we are causing Global Warming??

How’s about we accept that the world we know is changing??

Soooo… taking this on-board – should we doing something to try and save our existing plant and animal species from global changes… orrrrrr… do we just sit by and watch it all go tits up?

Various eminent scientists have warned that just two degrees of warming by 2050 would see millions of species wiped out. Analysis of climate zones in which various species are found – when modeled to see how quickly they could move as the world warms up – estimated that only three quarters could keep up.

There are different thoughts as to how accurate these assessments are and as too what should be done?

Should we interfere with nature and help move species by literally putting them in a van and transporting them northward?

Others argue that species that become threatened within their native ranges – could become invasive in a new evolutionary way? This argument suggests that even in the face of climate change – species should be kept where they ‘belong’.

The counter argument is that there are greater risks from inaction. In an era of rapid climate change organised translocation’s of species could be the only way of to maintain wild populations of some species.

If – as seems to be the case – we are messing with the climate …shouldn’t we at least try to help nature keep up?

The premise is based on species occupying strict climate and ecological zones – and that they will be unable to prosper if that climate changes. Many species could be versatile and may find their way to new environments without the need to tag a lift in the van.

Climate change is likely to be a major driver of species migrations. We are already experiencing a trickle of arrivals crossing the English Channel from France and then pushing north – various wasps, bees and birds are now setting up colonies in the south of the country prior to northward expansion.

Should we be sending them home?

If we accept and welcome them – should we in fact be helping other species make the leap northward?

Britain could actually become a sanctuary for species at risk throughout the world.

We have no undisturbed terrain and no globally endangered species to lose – so an ideal refuge?


Mike C

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Mike Clough

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