

Author: Mike Clough

Date Posted: Wednesday 29th April 2015

I’m a control freak, I know it…and everybody that works with me knows it.

They generally become aware when they see me leaning in over their shoulder and saying such things as …’that’s not how you spell ‘there’…its ‘their’…or my other favourite… ‘let me just change how you’ve put that’…

Some people hate it, others hate it too…in fact everybody hates it…even I hate doing it…yet I’ve somehow convinced myself that Mike knows best.

So how weird is it that whilst I have been off work having a knee replacement…surprise, surprise, the business hasn’t fallen apart…and in fact…it’s done better – without Mike Clough all over everything that’s gone out of the door!

Meetings have been had without MEC, new clients have been brought in without MEC, orders have been received and we’ve had the busiest year end ever . Yes I’ve been there in the background, yes ive been checking the odd set of figures that have been sent my way…but pretty much the company has run itself – with the caring hands of Alex at the helm.

So maybe I could have a few holidays, maybe I could back off a little?

Why have I not realised this sooner…?

I’m beginning to think that maybe the fault has been mine.

To allow plants to flourish in the garden you have to give them space and allow some development room, you can’t force them into small defined spaces without losing some of the characteristics that you liked in the first place. It’s got to be the same with people.

To get through an interview with me you will have to have ‘something about you’, something that sets you apart from the ‘norm’ – if I then smother that by forcing my personality all over you, what’s the point being so choosy doing the interview process?…

I’m going to learn from this experience and allow my team to flourish, I’m going to give them room to grow and room to make their own mistakes…and I may even allow the odd spelling mistake to go un checked…

Ok the last bits unlikely…

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Mike Clough

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