

Author: WaW_admin

Date Posted: Wednesday 28th September 2016

Busy busy busy.

Do you ever have a free moment just to stop and ‘smell the roses’…?…

A friend of mine contacted me recently to say ‘Mikey…long time no see? When can we get out and have a beer …?’ I looked in my diary and the first free night I had was in December?!

A client had been trying to ‘do lunch’ with me for weeks and neither of us can seem to make it happen? Diary conflicts just can’t seem to make it work …so 2017 has been talked about.

Appointments, presentations, board meetings, steering group meetings, management figures, yearend planning, blah blah blah…

(Note – My wife has been trying to have s*x with me for months but I just can’t seem to… fit it in – but this is a different problem…)

So what’s going on? Is it just me being busy or is it a global epidemic of everyone trying to appear important? Personally I’ve been trying to get my diary in order – trying to stop travelling all over the country piling the miles on the car and piling the miles on poor old ME….

I used to have one car and averaged about 30K miles per year – I now have three cars and have only just realised …that if you add up the mileage on all three then I’m doing more like 40K …even though I’m supposed to be doing ‘less traveling’…

Luckily I’m young, fit, slim, healthy and eat all the right things* …otherwise I could be in for some problems.

(* note: I’m also in denial)

Actually it’s lucky that my car pretty much drives itself – in fact – maybe a driverless car would be the answer? I could catch up on all my e-mails, liaise with the team via Skype whilst doing 70mph to my next appointment??

Thinking about my earlier comment – stopping to smell the roses – don’t think I know what roses smell like?

Maybe it’s about time I found out??

Mike C

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